Butter Chicken|
by Girinesia



See the sun set in the hand of the man.
kate bush
Butter Chicken
God the first garden made, and the first city Cain.
abraham cowley
Butter Chicken

featuring 1 font
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
w.c. fields
The quick brown fox
Jumps over the lazy dog
supported charset
HEX: #332011
RGB: 51 32 17
HEX: #8FC1A4
RGB: 143 193 164
HEX: #CF853A
RGB: 207 133 58
RGB: 209 203 125
RGB: 243 222 201
In Asia, the memories of Imperial Japan are still fresh.
morris o'dell
handmade upright shortascenders clean burger delicious food coffee chicken butter headline girinesia
typeface supports one languages


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